Refund Policy

Our refund policy for the deposit of any course is as follows: please note that the deposit made is non-refundable. This means that once the deposit (along with any processing fees) is made, it cannot be refunded under any circumstances. Furthermore, the remaining balance for the course is due the day before the start date of the course and is also non-refundable.

– If the student cancels the day of training (no refund)
– If the student gets halfway through a class and cannot finish for some reason (no refund)

We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, but we kindly ask you to consider these terms before making your deposit. We strive to provide the best experience and resources for our participants, and this policy helps us ensure the smooth execution of the program. Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. Thank you for your understanding.

Deposits & Payments

Please, do not pay any deposit fees until a member of our Admissions team has contacted you.